Gays Gaga-fied, Ladies Gaga-fied.

Lady Gaga is the gay icon of our generation. She's the pop star of this generation just like when Madonna was still topping the charts during the 80's and 90's. Since Madonna is not my generation, I would prefer Lady Gaga. Anyway, she has a new video called "Telephone" which features Beyonce. This is quite an interesting video. First, it's 9 minutes long and second, Beyonce is not quite her usual self in her videos. She's like Gaga-fied, if there is such a term.

Because of this popularity, there are a lot of gays (and I believe women) who tried to parodize this video. One of which is our very own Lady Gaggita. One of the funniest because of their resourcefulness. I will give them an A+!.

With the proliferation of these gay Lady Gaga wannabes everywhere, I wonder, can we Gaga-fy ourselves (I mean biological women) to exert our womanhood and uniqueness in this world?

Just the other night, I went to a small gay club together with my gay friends. There were drag queen performances in between and the very first show was an impersonation of Lady Gaga. The drag queen lipsynched "Bad Romance" and noticed that she really took much effort in dressing up herself like Lady Gaga. Then there's another performance and it was a real woman dressed up and lipsynching Lady Gaga. I know that Lady Gaga is known to be a deviant. She's unique in her own way but when a woman impersonated her, it just became like a TH (trying hard) performance. I was wondering why and how did that happen? Is it because we are "levelling" ourselves to gays which we know are not being treated equally in this society? If only there is equality in this world, then maybe we'll not feel this way. This makes me wonder.

Polaroid PoGo

Polaroid PoGo looks like an interesting camera to me since I can print photos from it directly. How cool is that?!? ;) What's even cool about this is that it does not use any ink. The only consumable that you'll have to buy is the photo paper (2" x 3"). The catch here is that you cannot buy any photo paper. You need to get their ZINK Paper.

It'd be great to camwhore with Tom or with the girls using this camera.


Beautiful sunsets
Lovely blue and orange hues
I just love sunsets

How Yoga Can Help Your Sex Life

There are many benefits of Yoga in our life and one of the benefits that will surely interest you guys (and girls) is its sexual benefits. By doing Yoga regularly, you may bring a different kind of energy while having sex. There are 2 levels wherein Yoga can help improve your sex life: mental and physical. Remember, whenever you are stressed and having fatigue, your libido levels go down. Thus, you will definitely turn down your partner because you're not in the right frame of mind. By doing Yoga, your mind will be cleared with all these unnecessary things going on inside your head and will also gear up your physical want to have sex. This is what keeps my mind balanced whenever I feel that I am not in the mood for sex. But, always remember, that everything should be done in moderation. Do not overindulge yourself with such pleasures as it will also destroy you in the future (or even the after life). By the way, Tandric Yoga or Kundalini Yoga is the one that is really focused on harnessing the sexual power. Here's a video below which can show you the basic yoga positions you can do with your partner for sexual virality.

Blogging Live in IBlog6!

This was actually my first time to attend IBlog. Thank God there's free wifi here so I can blog my experience here on the spot! The topic as of this moment is Photo Blogging and this is really interesting for me because I love photography! I used my new Canon S90 in taking the photo of the speaker, Juned Sonido then I realized that my tweet was on the video wall (because I used #Iblog6 in Twitter hehe). I really learned a lot with Mr. Sonido's presentation. He showed his cameras. His cameras are a combination of the old and new ones (DSLRs and point and shoot ones). He also has a super zoom lens (i.e. papparazzi lens). I got interested in his Ricoh point and shoot camera because it has a fixed focal length and it's aperture is f/1.9

Anyway, it's nice to be in this kind of arena wherein I get to learn more about blogging. I'm alone and don't know anyone at all. I left Tom at home, decided to have a time alone for myself. I've been with him everyday for the past week!

Cooking with Love

Many say that one of the things that can please your man is not just through sex but through his stomach. This is the reason why I strive myself to be like my grandma, who cooks very well. I still have yet a lot of things to learn but I know I'll get there. Whenever I see my grandma cook, I remember the book "Like Chocolate For Water" by the Mexican author Laura Esquivel. Because, like the lead character Tita, my grandma expresses how she feels whenever she cooks. And as like what Tita did, she used her kitchen skills to have Pedro's affection. I believe that by cooking good food, this will please my man. Sex isn't everything but knowing how to take good care of your man will definitely drive your man crazy.

My greatest inspiration to cook would be my boyfriend Tom who will be coming here soon from Canada. I am planning a special romantic dinner for him, of course candlelit and with romantic music playing in the background. I'll cook his favorite dish which is Pochero. I'll share you the ingredients of my grandma's Pochero below but I'll not write the measurements as this is a family recipe. ;)


dried chickpeas
2 chorizo sausages cut into 1 inch pieces
1 large onion, sliced
whole black peppercorn
10 cloves garlic, chopped
1 medium onion, chopped
2 ripe tomatoes
sweet potatoes (kamote)
1 Bok Choy cut across 2 inches thick
green onions