Corregidor Day Trip

Wow Philippines Jeepney in CCP Terminal

As you know that Tom is in town and I've been taking him to different places around the metro and also in provinces. One of the first places we visited was Corregidor Island which was about an hour and a half away from Manila. We chose this one first because it's just a day trip and we wanted to have a historical exploration around this island.

I've been seeing the Wow Philippines jeepney whenever I'm in the CCP complex and thought that it was only for display. I now realized that it had a purpose; transporting travelers from the ticketing area of Sun Cruises to the dock where the passenger speed boats are waiting.

The photo above is the passenger speed boat that we rode going to Corregidor Island. It was very fast and it only took us an hour and a half to arrive to the island. When we docked in the island, we have to ride the tourist tranvias for the historical tour around the small island.

The ruins in Corregidor Island is a reminder of the dark past. It's part of our history. These ruins already serves as a memorial to the Filipino and American soldiers who died there during World War II.

Hi, I'm Charitable Charlize

Since I was a child, I liked involving myself in charitable and fund raising activities. Probably because I studied in a Catholic School which taught me to extend charity to the unfortunate ones. The cliche "I am lucky because I am not like them" is an elitist statement for me but I guess the reason I do this is because I just wanted to and I feel that I have a social responsibility in my community and most especially to my country. With the rampant social injustices that are happening in this world, being apathetic will not help anyone.

Others would argue that social injustices serve a function in society, without them, then life will be so boring. On the other hand, hardcore Marxists want to achieve a classless society wherein everybody will be equal and there's no need for material things anymore. These are both extremes of theoretical ideas but I guess we all have our own perspectives that we can't really label of. There is a part of me says that I am for functionalism while there is also a part of me that says that Marxist ideas are correct. There is only one thing I am sure of, there is no one social theory that can absolutely describe how I think and why I do charitable works. Maybe I am a pragmatist. This works for me now and previously, that is why I do this.

I have lots of experiences in fund raising and outreach events. I experienced teaching young children every Saturday in a slum community in Manila. During the Ondoy operations, I also extended a helping hand in the relief operations. I've also organized fund raising concerts and parties for different beneficiaries. All of them were time consuming but believe me, doing it was an adrenaline high.

Sorry for keeping you boring with my intellectualization of my thoughts here but I just wanted to point out on how I arrived in being the person I am right now. I am glad to have been part of outreach in St. Scho, NGOs and Companies that have Corporate Social Responsibility activities. Most especially, I am grateful for my friends who support me in my fund raising events in the past. I love you guys!

Travel Destination: Pandan Island, Palawan

Ahh. Pandan Island, Palawan. One of my favorite in Puerto Princesa whIenever I want to just get away from everyone. If you've been reading my blogposts, Tom and I just had a fight (again). I just want to be alone and see the pristine waters of Palawan. Whenever I see nature, I forget everything. It's like my own perfect drug (the legal one of course) which you can technically get for free.

Many people say that whenever you appreciate nature, you're feeling sad inside. Probably we seek nature whenever we want perfection in our lives. I guess this the reason why I love nature.

Making Up and Breaking Up In the Past

My close friends know that Tom and I frequently break up and make up. When he was in Canada, we always chat and do crazy stuff in the internet (ahem, like cybersex :) ). We enjoy talking anything and everything under the sun. Even though we were so far away, we still fight and even break up. Last time we broke up was when he was still in Canada because he's "nagpapapampam". I became frustrated of him being so needy so I broke up with him. I guess I was having my monthly visitor then so I acted impulsively. I don't know why I did it but probably because I know that he'll come back to me. That's how we've always been.

Usually, as a revenge, I go out and hook up with other guys. Because I was so angry at him, I logged on to my favorite porn chatroom (nope, I won't tell. It might be your favorite too!) and chatted with this hot guy. Well, I don't know really if he's a real hottie but only based my perception on the photo he sent me. Of course, the photo was ahem, kita ang kanyang baktidol. (BAKat TI**) LOL. So we decided to meet, looks juicy naman. My girlfriends don't know this, but now they know. After a few exchanges of dirty talk, we decided to get it on. Hmm, I won't tell the juicy details anymore. I guess my girlfriends who are reading this are super anxious to know what happened. ;) Well, nothing really happened. The punchline of this story is that this hot guy turned out to be a super doll collector. I suddenly thought that he was gay but apparently, he just likes to collect dolls. We only made out and got turned off when I saw his dollie collection. But in fairness, the dolls were cute! Wanted to take home sana pero I guess he'll just make away me.

As mentioned, this isn't the first time that I did this. I've done this the whole duration of my relationship with Tom. I wonder if this is something that I really want in the future. Is he the right one for me? Or am I just staying in this relationship because it's part of my daily routine? As the saying (and the song goes), love is a battlefield but what if you're always in battling with your partner? Now that he's here in Manila, we're ok but I don't know for how long...